MEYEDIAKAN LAYANAN AKOMODASI RECEPTION (Bilingual hand out – Provide Accommodation Reception services)
hand out – Provide Accommodation Reception services
Kompetensi dasar Base competence |
pembelajaran Material of learning |
1. Persiapan kedatangan
tamu. 1. Arriving guest preparation 2. Penyambutan dan pendaftaran
tamu 2.
Greeting and
registering guest 3. Mengorganisir keberangkatan tamu 3.
Departuring guest organization 4. Persiapan catatan dan
laporan-laporan kantor
depan. 4. Front office records
and reports
preparation |
Pengertian reception -
Tugas dan tanggung jawab -
Peralatan dan formulir yang digunakan -
Persiapan kedatangan tamu -
of reception -
and responsibilities -
and forms -
guest preparation -
Penyambutan kedatangan tamu -
pendaftaran tamu (individual dengan pemesanan dan tidak, VIP dan rombongan) -
Memproses deposit -
the arriving guest -
procedures for guest (walk-in guest, reservation guest, VIP and group) -
deposit -
Jenis-jenis chek-out -
Persiapan keberangkatan tamu -
keberangkatan tamu, individual dan rombongan -
Memproses pembayaran -
of check-out -
departure preparation -
departure procedure for individual and group -
and late check-out procedure -
payment -
Macam-macam catatan -
Macam-macam laporan -
catatan dan laporan kantor depan -
Prosedur pemindahan kamar -
Prosedur tamu tidak datang -
Prosedur pemberangkatan awal -
Prosedur tamu tinggal lebih lama -
Log book -
of front office records -
of front office reports -
list for front office records and reports -
change procedure -
procedure -
departure procedure -
stays procedure -
front office log book |
► Definisi
dari Bagian Penerimaan Tamu
Definition of reception
Adalah tempat terjadinya proses
penerimaan tamu, penentuan/pemberian kamar, baik untuk tamu yang telah memesan
kamar lebih dulu ataupun tidak. Petugas di bagian ini disebut receptionist,
room clerk atau registration clerk
The place to process acceptance of guest, determination / giving
of room, to reservation guest or walk-in guest. Officer of reception is
receptionist, room clerk or registration
► Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Mendaftar
tamu dan menentukan kamar, mengakomodasi permintaan khusus tamu
guests and assign rooms, accommodate special requests whenever possible
bagian reservasi dalam pra-pendaftaran dan mem-blok kamar
Assist in pre
registration and blocking of room for reservation
kebijakan dan prosedur secara menyeluruh tentang penanganan
kredit yang sesuai dan memeriksa serta menangani pembayaran tunai
understand policies and procedures to proper credit, check and cash handling
status kamar dan tahap perubahannya, dan mengkoordinir pembaharuan status kamar
dengan bagian kerumah-tanggaan (HK)
Understand room status
and room status tracking, and coordinate room status updates with the
lokasi/penempatan kamar, jenis kamar yang tersedia dan tarif kamar
room locations, types of rooms available and room rates
teknik penjualan sugestif untuk menjual kamar dan mempromosikan produk jasa yang lain dari
Use suggestive selling
techniques to sell rooms and to promote other services of the hotel
bagaimana cara menggunakan peralatan front-office
how to use front office equipment
8. Memproses
tamu keluar dari hotel (check-out)
Process guest check-out
9. Mengikuti
prosedur untuk mengeluarkan dan menutup kotak deposit yang digunakan tamu
procedures for issuing and closing safe deposit boxes used by guests
etika bertelepon yang benar dan menangani
surat, paket dan pesan sesuai prosedur.
Use proper telephone
etiquette, mail, package and message handling procedures
dan mem-paraf log book dan papan bulletin harian
and sign on log book and bulletin board daily
12. Menghadiri
rapat yang diadakan departemen
Attend department
seluruh prosedur keamanan dan keselamatan
all safety and emergency procedures
kebersihan dan kerapihan areal kantor depan
the cleanliness and tidiness of the front desk area
► Peralatan dan Formulir
Equipments and Forms
1. Peralatan
yang digunakan di hotel yang menggunakan sistim operasional semi otomatis dan
Equipments for hotels use automatics or semi automatics
operational systems
- Rak status kamar
Room rack slip/guest slip
Rak ini disusun
berdasarkan nomor kamar tamu, berguna untuk mengetahui status kamar setiap
saat, untuk mengetahuinya dapat dilihat pada kode warna yang digunakan, seperti
warna merah untuk status kamar dihuni, kuning untuk status kamar kosong dan
belum dibersihkan, warna bening untuk kamar yang siap dijual. Status kamar yang sudah dipesan ditandai
dengan memberi blocking slip sedangkan status kamar lain seperti sleep-out, out
of order ditandai dengan memberi kertas kecil yang berisi keterangan status
tersebut. Data tamu yang menginap dapat
dilihat dengan cara meletakkan slip rak kamar (room rack slip) pada nomor
kamarnya. Room rack slip yang sudah
dibuat akan didistribusikan ke bagian / outlet lain, yaitu : telephone operator, room service, house
keeping dan informasi. Contoh blocking slip dan room rack slip adalah sbb :
This rack is compiled pursuant to room number, good for knowing
room status every moment seen at used colour code, like red for the room status
of occupied, yellow for the room status of vacant dirty, and transparent for room made ready to be sold. The rooms
have been reserved be sign with Blocking slip and put as according to his room
number. Room status is reserved, signed
with blocking slip, other room status like, out sleep, order of out, etc,
marked by giving containing small paper of status description. Guest data
lodging to be written in Room rack slip and put as according to his room
number. Room rack slip have been made will be distributed to shares / other
outlet, that is : operator telephone, service room, housekeeping, and
1102 Mr…………… - do not sell - reserved
Example of Blocking slip :
Example of room rack
1220 05/11/2008 |
Smith Mr/Mrs. James (1/1) USA Kingstone Apt, 1423 New York, USA Reg no. 0832/walk in/ Dn |
07/11/2008 US$ 100++ incl Bbf PA |
Rak kunci dan surat/pesan
Key and mail rack
Rak yang
digunakan untuk menyimpan kunci kamar dan pesan untuk tamu, rak ini diusun
berdasarkan nomor kamar.
Rack used to keep room key and message of the guest, this rack
is compiled pursuant to room number
Kotak kunci
Key drop box
Kotak yang
terletak di front desk counter yang berguna untuk menyimpan kunci kamar tamu
yang dititipkan ke hotel
Box is located in front desk counter which good to keep room key
of guest
Hotel sistim komputer
Hotel computer system
sistim komputer yang digunakan di hotel adalah
- HIS (Hotel Information System)
Kinds of Computer systems are used in hotels, that is :
- Fidelio-micros
- Reata
- Mayoh
- Galaxi
- HIS (Hotel Information System)
EDC (Electronic Data Capturing)
Alat ini
digunakan untuk memproses pembayaran apabila tamu menggunakan kartu kredit,
untuk mengetahui apakah kartu kredit yang digunakan tamu dapat diterima sebagai
pembayaran atau tidak, jika dapat diterima akan terlihat nomer persetujuan
(approval number) pada slip kartu kredit, namun jika tidak disetujui akan terlihat
Is used to process
payment of guest using card credit, this appliance will know do guest card
credit can be accepted as payment or
not. If can be accepted will seen number approval in slip card credit, but if
will not seen DO NOT HONOUR or DECLINE or
Credit Card Imprinter
Alat ini
digunakan untuk mencetak data yang tertera di kartu kredit, seperti nama
pemegang kartu, nomer kartu dan masa berlakunya. Saat ini, alat ini sudah jarang digunakan,
karena sudah digunakan EDC mesin, tapi alat ini berguna jika jalur/line yang
digunakan EDC mesin sedang mengalami gangguan. Cara menggunakan alat ini adalah
dengan meletakkan kartu kredit pada imprinter, kemudian menggesek ke kanan dan
ke kiri, jika sudah tercetak, lalu menghubungi Bank untuk meminta nomer
persetujuan atas dana yang dibutuhkan oleh pihak hotel.
This appliance is used
to print data in credit card, like : name of owner of card, card number, and a
period of applying. In this time the appliance only used if line of EDC machine
is trouble. Way use this appliance is put down credit card on imprinter, then
fiddle to right and to left, if have been printed, then contact Bank to ask
approval number of fund required by hotel.
Money tester
Money tester
Berguna untuk
melihat apakah uang yang digunakan tamu adalah uang asli
Is used to check authenticity of money is used by the guest
Key encoder machine
Alat ini
digunakan hotel yang sudah menggunakan kunci kartu, berfungsi untuk memprogram
kunci tersebut. Informasi yang diprogram adalah : tanggal
kedatangan dan keberangkatan, jam keberangkatan dan nomor kamar.
This appliance is used
by hotel have used keycard, functioning
for program of the keycard. Information
is program is : arrival and departure date, room number and time of
Rak Bukti Tagihan Tamu
Bill rack
Rak untuk
menyimpan bukti tagihan tamu beserta dokumen pendukungnya, rak ini disusun
berdasar nomor kamar tamu.
Rack to keep guest invoice and also supporter document, rack
compiled pursuant to number of room.
- Formulir-formulir
( Forms )
Kartu Pendaftaran
Registration card
ini digunakan tamu saat mendaftar, data yang terdapat di dalamnya adalah data
tamu yang menginap di hotel, seperti :
nama tamu, tanggal kedatangan dan keberangkatan, nomor kamar, alamat rumah,
tempat tanggal lahir, harga kamar, nomor kartu identitas, cara pembayaran,
persyaratan dan kondisi hotel serta tanda tangan tamu, sebagai tanda
persetujuan tentang ketentuan yang berlaku di hotel, seperti : batas waktu
check-out, hotel tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap kehilangan barang berharga di
kamar, serta hotel berhak untuk meminta tambahan deposit jika jaminan
pembayaran yang ada sudah terbatas.
This card is used by the guest at registration, loading
data/information of hotels guest, like : guest name, arrival and departure
date, room number, home address, place and date of birth, room rate, identity
card number, way of payment, hotel condition and clauses, guest signature, as
permission sign concerning rule applying in hotel, like : deadline of check
out, irresponsible hotel to high-value goods loss in guestroom, and hotel is
entitled to ask addition of deposit if existing payment guarantee have limited
Tamu / Guest |
Rekening / account |
Kamar room |
Setoran/deposit |
Harga / rate |
Katagori / category |
Tanggal / date |
Waktu / time |
Prsh. Angkutan/ carrier |
No. Penerbangan / flight |
Kedatangan/ arrival |
Keberangkatan / departure |
Paspor / passport Kebangsaan /
Nationality |
Permohonan / requests |
Cara pembayaran / Account Settlement |
* Kontan / contan * Tanda bukti / Voucher * Pihak ketiga / Third party |
* American Express * Master card No Kartu / Card
no. |
* JCB * BCA |
* Dinners Club * VISA |
Perhatian tamu / Notice to
our guest |
Tanda tangan / signature |
a. Kartu
Guest Card
Kartu ini
berfungsi sebagai kartu identitas tamu menginap di hotel, yang digunakan untuk
mengambil kunci yang dititipkan, tanda pengenal apabila transaksi yang
dilakukan ingin diposting ke kamar
This Card function as
guest identity card stay in hotel, can be used to take entrusted key, and as
badge if the guest want to post transaction
to room
/ room |
Nama / name |
/ ceck-in |
/ rate |
tangan / signature |
/ departure |
Meal Coupon
Kupon yang digunakan untuk
menikmati makanan yang tertera di dalamnya, seperti makan pagi, siang atau
Card / coupon used to enjoy provided food hotel, like breakfast,
lunch, or dinner.
Breakfast |
Lunch |
Diner |
At |
Guest name |
Room number |
Not valid
for room service Valid for
one person/ not refundable Buffet
breakfast from 6.00 AM to 10.00 AM |
Reception |
c. Kartu Minuman Selamat Datang
Welcome Drink Card
Digunakan untuk menikmati minuman
selamat datang di hari kedatangan
used to enjoy beverage welcome in arrival day
WELCOME DRINK CARD Please enjoy one of our refreshing “COCKTAIL OF THE MONTH” or enjoy a DRAUGHT BEER or SOFT DRINK Please
present this card to our staff Upon
ordering at Lobby bar restaurant Name : Room
no. : Date : This card is only valid during your current stay at the Adenium
edotel |
Cash / official receipt
Tanda terima yang diberikan
kepada tamu apabila tamu memberikan deposit berupa uang tunai.
receipt passed to guest if giving deposit of cash
Receipt from |
Sudah terima dari |
Amount Rp / US$ |
Jumlah Rp / US$ |
Payment for |
Untuk pembayaran |
Rp / US $ |
Check No. |
No check |
Received by |
Diterima oleh |
Date |
Tanggal |
tagihan tamu
Guest Bill
tagihan yang berisi transaksi yang digunakan tamu
Bill contain transaction
is used by guest
Name / Nama ----------------------------------------------------
Address / alamat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Room rate / harga kamar
--------------------------- Arrive date / tgl kedatangan --------------------------- Departure date / tgl keberangkatan --------------------------- Folio number / nomor folio ---------------------------- Room number / nomor kamar ---------------------------- |
date/ tgl transaksi |
Transaction code
/ kode transaksi |
Description Keterangan |
Charges Beban |
Credit Kredit |
Balance Saldo |
Balance Due / Ttotal |
Remaks / Keterangan : Signature / Ttd ----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
------------------------ |
pengembalian deposit
Refund deposit form
Formulir yang digunakan untuk
mencatat sejumlah uang tunai milik tamu karena deposit yang diberikan melebihi
dari jumlah tagihannya.
form used to note a
number of guest cash because deposit which isn't it exceed the amount of the
bills of
g. Formulir lain-lain
Miscellaneous form
Formulir yang digunakan untuk
mencatat transaksi yang dilakukan tamu yang tidak ada dalam departemen, seperti
transaksi atas kerusakan yang dilakukan tamu
used to note done by transaction is guest which there no in
department, like done by damage transaction is guest
Correction form
Formulir yang digunakan apabila
terjadi perbaikan atas transaksi yang
terjadi pada hari yang sama.
used when happened repair of transaction that happened today
Rebate form
Formulir yang digunakan untuk
mencatat pengurangan transaksi yang telah dilakukan oleh tamu pada hari
This form will note reduction of transaction which have been
done by guest in day before all
Riwayat Tamu
Guest History Card
Kartu yang berisi tentang profil
atau riwayat kunjungan tamu ke hotel
Card containing guest
profile or guest visit history to hotel
► Persiapan Kedatangan Tamu
Arriving Guest Preparation
Untuk menunjang kelancaran dan efisiensi pelayanan,
diperlukan persiapan-persiapan, meliputi
A. Tamu
Perorangan ( F I T )
Individual Guest (Free Individual Tour)
Persiapan diri
Personal preparation
Penampilan dan pelayanan
yang baik, meliputi cara berdandan, cara berpakaian,
Appearance and good service, covering way dress up, dressy way,
style speak and behaviour as a whole have to have by front office staff. They
is claimed to measure up to as
a. Memiliki kebiasaan rapi dan bersih dalam
penampilan di tempat tugas dengan
kriteria sebagai berikut :
Owning clean and natty habit in appearance in place duty with
criterion as
Pakaian seragam bersih dan rapi
natty and Clean uniforms
disisir rapi, pria
berambut pendek, dan
bagi wanita yang berambut panjang menggunakan ikat rambut
berwarna hitam
Hair combed natty, hair of man is short, and for long haired
woman use to fasten black chromatic hair
Kuku selalu bersih dan pendek
Nail always clean and short
tidak boleh bertindik lebih dari satu bagi wanita, bagi pria tidak bertindik
Ear is not made holes more than one for woman, for man do
Aroma parfum lembut
soft Perfume Aroma
Perhiasan tidak berlebihan
jewelry not abundant
hitam dan bersih, kaos kaki tidak beraroma / berbau
Shoe is clean and Black, sock is not smelling.
- Percaya
Self confidence
- Kemampuan
Ability communicate
- Memecahkan
masalah secara psikhologi
Solving problem by psikhologi
- Diplomasi
- Ketenangan
g Kemampuan dalam mengingat nama dan wajah
Ability of remember of name and face of
Menerapkan tata cara dan etika dengan tepat
Apply ethics and procedures precisely
Apply ethics and procedures precisely
j . Mampu
membuat keputusan dengan tepat dan cepat
Can make decision correctly and quickly
k. Disiplin dalam pelaksanaan
Discipline in execution.
Membaca Log book
Reading Log book
Log book adalah
semacam buku catatan penghubung penting dari shift yang satu ke yang lain
tentang tamu pindah kamar, tamu tanpa barang barang bawaan, persiapan yang
belum selesai dan memerlukan tindak lanjut dari kedatangan tamu VIP atau
rombongan, dsb. Bentuk format log book
disesuaikan dengan keperluannya.
Log book is a kind of important link book between of shift is
one to other about guest move room, guest without luggage, unfinished
preparation and need follow-up of arrival of VIP or group, etc. Format form of
Log book answered the purpose it.
Memeriksa daftar pemesanan kamar
Checking list of room reservation
recepsionis harus membaca dan meneliti informasi pemesanan kamar dari tamu-tamu
yang akan tiba hari ini dengan membaca pada
Expected arrival list dan reservation slip untuk memperoleh gambaran
tentang tamu-tamu yang akan datang serta dapat
Receptionist must read and check information ordering of room of
arrival guests today, read Expected
arrival list and reservation slip to get the image of concerning guests will
come and also can
Menentukan kamar ( room blocking ) sesuai dengan
permintaan yang telah disetujui bila hal ini belum dilaksanakan
Determine room ( room blocking ) as according to request which
have agreed if this matter is uncommitted
Mempersiapkan kamar sesuai waktu kedatangan
Prepare room according
to arrival time
kartu pendaftaran yang
lama dari arsip ( untuk tamu yang sudah
pernah menginap)
untuk digabung dengan
registration card yang baru pada
saat tamu yang bersangkutan tiba.
Taking old registration
card from archives ( for guest which
have lodged) to be joined with new
registration card at the guest arrive.
Memeriksa dan menjaga agar Room rack tetap akurat.
Checking and taking care of Room rack remain to accurate
Room rack merupakan salah satu alat kelengkapan
penerimaan tamu yang penting Dengan
bantuan alat ini petugas akan dengan mudah mengetahui status tiap-tiap kamar
dan mendapat informasi lain yang diperlukan seperti : lokasi kamar, nomor kamar, dan harga kamar.
Rack Room is one of the appliance equipment of guest acceptance
is important Constructively this
appliance, the officer will easily know status every room and get other
information which needed like : room location, room number, and room price. Way
of operation of Room rack :
Roomrack slip dibuat setelah tamu check-in, lembar
pertama diselipkan pada room rack sebagai tanda bahwa kamar tersebut dihuni.
Room rack slip made after
guest check in, first sheet sandwiched at rack room as sign that the room
Pada saat tamu check-out dan menyelesaikan pembayaran
rekeningnya, registration card tamu akan dikembalikan ke reception oleh kasir,
kemudian room rack slip akan dicabut dari room rack sebagai tanda kamar itu
At time the guest check out and settle the payment his account,
registration card of guest will be returned to reception by cashier, then room
rack slip will be abstracted from rack room as that room sign is empty.
Bila kamar tidak dapat dijual, diselipkan O.O.slip
dengan mencantumkan kerusakkannya dan tanggal awal kerusakkannya serta tanggal
perkiraan akan berakhirnya kerusakkan, sebagai tanda kamar dalam keadaan rusak
dan tidak dapat dijual.
If room cannot be sold, to be sandwiched O.O.Slip mentioned damage it and date of
early damage and also the date of estimate will end damage it, as room sign is
destroying and cannot be sold
Jika tamu memberitahukan akan sleep out dengan
meninggalkan barang-barang bawaan di kamar, maka reception menyisipkan diatas
room rack slip dalam room rack sepotong kertas seukuran slip dengan tulisan “SO
dari tanggal…….……..sampai tanggal…………..”
If guest advise will out sleep with left luggage in room, hence
reception insert above room rack slip in room rack a piece of paper like slip
size with article " SO of date…….……..until date………………
Untuk membedakan tamu, sebaiknya room rack slip
dibedakan warnanya, misalnya : warna putih untuk tamu FIT (perorangan), biru
untuk tamu rombongan, merah muda untuk tamu VIP.
To differentiate guest, better room rack slip differentiated its
colour, for example : white for
individual guest or FIT, blue for the guest of group, and pink for the guest of
Menghitung kamar
Calculating room
kamar dilakukan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya kamar tersedia yang bisa dijual
pada hari itu. Penghitungan harus dilakukan beberapa kali dalam sehari untuk
memperoleh informasi kamar yang akurat sehingga didapat resiko seminim mungkin
dalam penjualan kamar, selain itu juga bertujuan memberi gambaran yang lebih
jelas akan adanya kemungkinan perpanjangan tinggal di hotel dan memberi
gambaran situasi kamar kepada petugas shift berikutnya.
Cara menghitung kamar :
Calculate room done to know there is room available which can be
sold that day. Enumeration must be done several times in one day get accurate
room informations is so that got risk minimaly in sale of room, besides also to
give clearer picture there will be possibility of extention live in hotel and
give the image of room situation to officer of next shift. Way calculate room :
Contoh :
- Jumlah seluruh kamar ( a ) :
102 kamar
Example :
- Jumlah kamar house use ( b ) : 2 kamar
Jumlah kamar terisi (
c ) : 70 kamar
Kamar kosong : 30 kamar
Kamar check-out hari ini (
d ) : 29 kamar
Kamar akan tiba hari ini (
e ) : 34 kamar
Kamar yang dapat dijual :
x = a
- b
= ( c – d ) + e
= 102 - 2
= 100
y = (
70 -
29 ) + 34
41 + 34
75 kamar
Kamar yang bisa dijual hari ini =
100 - 75
Amount of all rooms ( a ) : 102 rooms
Amount of rooms of house
use ( b ) : 2 rooms
Amount of rooms occupied
( c ) :
70 rooms
Empty rooms : 30 rooms
Rooms check out this day
( d ) :
29 rooms
Rooms will arrive this
day ( e ) :
34 rooms
Rooms able to be sold :
= a -
= ( c – d ) + e
= 102 - 2
= 100
y = (
70 -
29 ) + 34
41 + 34
75 rooms
Rooms able to be sold this day
= 100
- 75
= 25 rooms
Memblok kamar
Blocking room
menetapkan kamar untuk tamu yang memesan kamar sebelum kedatangannya dengan
memasang blocking card di room rack sesuai dengan nomor kamar yang dimaksud. Yang perlu diperhatikan pada waktu memblok
kamar adalah hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kamar yang dipesan, seperti : jenis kamar, lokasi, pemandangan,
fasilitas, harga, dll.
Activity specify room for guest which reservation before arrival with tide of blocking card in rack
room as according to such room number. Which require to be paid attention
blocking room is things related to ordered room, like : room type, location,
view, facility, price, etc.
memblok kamar :
Procedure blocking room :
blocking card dengan mencantumkan nomor kamar, nama tamu serta tanggal
Complete blocking card mentioned room number, name of guest
and date of arrival
blocking card pada room rack sesuai nomor kamar yang ditentukan
Sandwiching blocking card in room rack according to determined
room number
nomor kamar yang diblok pada room rack slip dan atau pada expected arrival
Mentioning room number which is block at room rack slip and or
at expected arrival list
Blocking card sebaiknya dibuat dari manila karton
dengan ukuran yang cukup untuk diselipkan pada room rack, dicantumkan nomor
kamar, nama tamu atau nama rombongan dan tanggal kedatangan.
Blocking card better be made of pasteboard manila of the size
which for sandwiched at room rack, mentioned room number, guest name or name of
group and arrival date .
Example :
105 |
MR |
01 /
09 / 2008 |
- Tamu Rombongan /
Group ( G I T )
Group Inclusive
Berikut ini penjelasan tentang persiapan kedatangan
tamu rombongan :
Following explanation concerning preparation of entourage guest
kamar rombongan, selambat-lambatnya pada pagi hari sebelum rombongan tiba. Diusahakan kamar-kamar yang berdekatan dalam
satu lantai atau blok yang sama untuk memudahkan pekerjaan pelayanan tamu. Bila pada hari yang sama tiba lebih dari satu
rombongan, maka blocking card untuk masing-masing rombongan dibedakan warnanya.
Specifying room of
group, at the latest at morning before the group arrive. To be laboured nearby
rooms in one floor is same or block to
facilitate work of guest service. If on the same day arrive more than one
group, hence blocking card to the each group differentiated its colour
information, adalah informasi tentang rombongan yang akan tiba yang berguna
untuk persiapan menerima kedatangan rombongan bagi departemen lain yang
terkait. Group information dipersiapkan dengan mengutip informasi dari group
reservation berupa informasi yang disetujui kedua belah pihak dan rooming list
yang dikirim oleh pemesan kepada hotel.
Group Information, is
information concerning group to arrive which good for preparation accept group
arrival for other relevant department. Information Group drawn up cited
information of reservation group form of information agreed by both parties and
rooming list sent guest to hotel
daftar nama tamu rombongan, room rack slip, guest card dan amplopnya. Rooming list dibuat berdasarkan informasi
yang ada pada group reservation dan rooming list yang diterima dari pemesan
kamar. Informasi penting yang
dicantumkan pada rooming list adalah :
nama rombongan, waktu dan tanggal kedatangan, waktu dan tanggal keberangkatan,
jenis angkutan yang dipakai pada saat tiba dan berangkat, jumlah dan jenis
kamar, jumlah orang, nama pimpinan rombongan, nomor-nomor kamar yang dipakai,
nama dari anggota rombongan,tanda tangan anggota rombongan dan catatan
Preparing checklist of group, room rack slip, guest card and
envelope. Rooming list made pursuant to information on group reservation and
rooming list accepted from guest. Important information which mentioned at rooming list
is : name of group, time and arrival date, time and departure date,
transportation type weared when arriving and leaving, room types and number. of
room, number of persons, name of leader, number of rooms occupied, name of
members of group, signeture of members of group, and requests
Mempersiapkan room rack slip of GIT. Room rack slip dapat dibuat setelah daftar
tamu rombongan selesai dibuat, dengan mencantumkan nama rombongan, karena tamu
tidak mengisi registration card. Pada
slip tidak dicantumkan harga kamar, tetapi dicantumkan dalam master bill tamu
yang akan diserahkan kepada pimpinan rombongan.
Preparing room rack slip of GIT. Room rack slip can be made
after guest of group list have been made, mentioned the name group, because
guest do not fill registration card. At
slip do not be mentioned room price,
but in master bill of guest to be
delivered to group leader
Mempersiapkan guest card. Guest card dibuat untuk semua peserta
rombongan dan dipersiapkan berdasarkan
daftar nama rombongan. Guest card diisi
dengan nama tamu, nomor kamar, tanggal tiba, tanggal berangkat, harga kamar
Preparing guest cards.
Guest cards made for all participants of group and prepared
pursuant to group checklist. Guest cards filled by guest name, room number,
arrival date, departure date, room price emptied
Registration card hanya dipersiapkan untuk pimpinan
Registration card only prepared for the leader of group
Mempersiapkan amplop untuk semua peserta yang
berisi guest card, key card dan surat-surat untuk tamu kalau ada. Bagian
depan amplop dicantumkan informasi nama tamu, nama rombongan dan nomor kamar.
Preparing envelope for all participants containing guest card,
key card and letters for guest if exist.
Envelope frontage mentioned information of name of guest, name of group and
room number
- Tamu VIP
Very Important Person
penerimaan tamu VIP meliputi : penentuan
kamar, pembuatan daftar tamu VIP, penentuan complimentary atau VIP item yang
akan diberikan kepada tamu, mempersiapkan registration card, guest card dan
Preparation of acceptance
VIP : determination of room,
making list of VIP, determination of complimentary or VIP item to be given to
guest, preparing registration card, guest card and envelope :
- Penentuan kamar
ditentukan sedini mungkin setelah reservasi diterima, kamar ditentukan yang
terbaik sesuai dengan jenis kamar yang dipesan.
Determination of Room
room determined early possibly after reservation accepted, room
determined the best as according to
ordered room type
Daftar tamu VIP
Mencantumkan nama-nama
dari tamu yang akan datang sehingga bagian yang terkait dengan penerimaan tamu
bisa mengetahui kedatangan dan mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan
baik. Informasi yang tercantum dalam
daftar tamu VIP adalah : nomor kamar,
nama tamu, jabatan, jam tiba, lama tinggal, dan keterangan tentang hal-hal yang
perlu mendapat perhatian khusus.
List of VIP
Mention the name of guest to arrive so that shares which related
to acceptance of guest know arrival and
prepare everything is better.
Information which written in list of VIP is : room number, name of guest,
position, time arrival, time remain, and description concerning things which
require special attention
Registration card, guest card, dan amplop
sebelum tamu tiba (pre registration), sehingga pada saat tamu tiba tinggal
meminta tanda tangan saja. Guest card
dan room key dimasukkan dalam amplop dan
diletakkan di atas baki.
Registration card, guest card, and envelope
Prepared before guest arrive ( pre registration ), so that
when guest arrive just to ask signature. Guest card and room key
packed into envelope and put down above tray .
► Penyambutan Kedatangan tamu
tamu dengan memanggil nama dan titelnya dengan benar (Mr. Brown, Dr. Smith)
Murah senyum
bersikap ramah dan sopan dengan semua tamu
Perlakukan tamu secara individual
sedang melayani tamu lain atau sedang sibuk, beritahukan secara baik untuk
menunggu, setelah selesai layani mereka dengan segera
Gunakan bahasa tubuh dan kontak mata yang
Menunjukkan pada tamu, bahwa memberikan pelayanan
ekstra untuk permintaan khusus mereka adalah hal yang menyenangkan
Greeting the Arriving Guest
Greet the guest by name
where possible, using correct title (Mrs. Brown, Dr. Smith)
Always smile
Have friendly and
courteous manner at all times and with all guest
Treat the guest as an
Attend to guest
promptly, or is busy, let them know you are aware of them and will them as soon
as possible
Make eye contact and use
positive body language
Show guest that they are
special requests and extra service are a pleasure
Prosedur Pendaftaran Tamu
Registration Procedures for Guest
Tamu dengan pemesanan sebelumnya
Memberi salam dan menawarkan bantuan
Tanyakan, apa sudah reservasi sebelumnya, jika sudah
Tanyakan nama tamu
data reservasi melalui slip reservasi atau komputer
kepada tamu tentang reservasi yang telah dilakukan
kartu identitas tamu untuk mengisi Kartu Registrasi
tentang metode pembayarannya dan deposit yang harus dibayar
kunci kamar, kartu tamu, kupon makan, kartu minuman selamat datang, dan bukti
pembayaran (kwitansi) bila tamu membayar deposit secara tunai
tamu untuk menandatangani kartu registrasi dan kartu tamu
kunci kamar, kartu tamu, kupon makan, kartu minuman selamat datang dan kwitansi
(bila deposit dibayar tunai) sambil terangkan cara penggunaannya
tolong bellboy/porter untuk membantu membawa barang-barang tamu
ucapan selamat beristirahat kepada tamu
Menyelesaikan prosedur check-in yang lain secara manual
atau dengan komputer
A. With Reservation (Reservation Guest)
Greeting and offering
help (welcome guest)
Ask whether have a
reservation, if yes
Ask the name of guest
Check the reservation
(reservation slip or reservation data in computer)
Confirm the reservation
Borrowing guest ID and
fill in the registration form/card
Ask about method of
payment and room deposit
Prepare room key, guest
card, meal coupon, welcome drink card and official receipt if room deposit in
Ask the guest signature
in registration form/card and guest card
Give and explain room
key, guest card, meal coupon, welcome drink card and official receipt if room
deposit in cash
Direct porter/bellboy to
assist with luggage
Wish the guest a
pleasant stay (Last greeting)
Finish paperwork or
check-in procedures on computer or manually
B. Tamu
tanpa pemesanan sebelumnya.
Memberi salam dan menawarkan bantuan
apa sudah reservasi sebelumnya, jika belum
jumlah orang yang menginap, jumlah dan jenis kamar yang dibutuhkan, dan berapa
lama akan menginap
ketersediaan kamar dengan menawarkan kamar dari jenis yang terbaik dengan
fasilitas dan harga kamarnya
kartu identitas tamu untuk mengisi Kartu Registrasi
tentang metode pembayarannya dan deposit yang harus dibayar
kunci kamar, kartu tamu, kupon makan, kartu minuman selamat datang, dan bukti
pembayaran (kwitansi) bila tamu membayar deposit secara tunai
tamu untuk menandatangani kartu registrasi dan kartu tamu
kunci kamar, kartu tamu, kupon makan, kartu minuman selamat datang dan kwitansi
(bila deposit dibayar tunai) sambil terangkan cara penggunaannya
tolong bellboy/porter untuk membantu membawa barang-barang tamu
ucapan selamat beristirahat kepada tamu
Menyelesaikan prosedur check-in yang lain secara manual
atau dengan komputer
B. Without Reservation
(Walk-in guest)
Greeting and offering
help (Welcome guest)
Ask whether have a
reservation, if not
Ask for how many person,
number of room and room type, and length of stay
Check the availability
of room and offering best room and selling technique (tell guest about room
types available, rates, and facility)
Borrowing guest ID and
fill in the registration form/card
Ask about method of
payment and room deposit
Prepare room key, guest
card, meal coupon, welcome drink card and official receipt if room deposit in
Ask the guest signature
in registration form/card and guest card
Give and explain room
key, guest card, meal coupon, welcome drink card and official receipt if room
deposit in cash
Direct porter/bellboy to
assist with luggage
Wish the guest a
pleasant stay (Last greeting)
Finish paperwork or
check-in procedures on computer or manually
C. Tamu VIP
Pada tanggal kedatangan, kartu registrasi harus telah
diisi secara lengkap oleh resepsionis, tamu tinggal tanda tangan saja
Kartu registrasi diperiksa kembali oleh Asisten Manager
/ manager FO, kemudian disimpan di dalam map
Saat tamu datang, disambut di lobi utama oleh Asisten
Manager atau GRO, diantarkan ke kamar, kemudian tamu diminta untuk
menandatangani kartu registrasi
Selanjutnya kartu registrasi dikembalikan ke
resepsionis untuk diselesaikan
C. VIP Guest
At the date of arrival,
the receptionist must have completely filled the registration card/form where
the guest will sign his/her name on
The assistant manager/FO
Manager review the guest registration card/form properly and keeps the card in
a folder
Upon the arrival, the
VIP will be greeted at the hotel entrance by the assistant manager/guest
relation officer (GRO), escorted to the room and asked to sign the registration
The registration
form/card will be returned to the receptionist for filling
Tamu rombongan
Berdasarkan rooming list yang diberikan oleh bagian reservasi,
petugas resepsionis shift malam akan menyesuaikan list tersebut dengan bloking
kamar terbaru yang telah disiapkan oleh bagian reservasi di malam sebelum tamu
rombongan datang.
Jika kamar belum dibloking, resepsionis akan
melakukannya sesuai dengan rooming list yang diterima.
Berdasarkan rooming list yang ada,
resepsionis yang bertugas malam menyiapkan kunci kamar dan kartu minuman
selamat datang sesuai lantai yang dipesan, dan kemudian meletakkannya di atas
baki serta mengunci di lemari
Resepsionis yang bertugas malam hari akan
memberi satu copy rooming list kepada bagian concierge agar menyiapkan luggage
tags (etiket bagasi/tas), dan satu copi lagi diberikan ke house keeping untuk
persiapannya (memasukkan data ke system komputer)
Ketika rombongan datang, resepsionis yang
bertugas hari itu akan meminta voucher atau cara pembayaran lain dari pemimpin
rombongan, kemudian diisikan pada instruksi pembayaran di reservasi
Apabila segalanya telah sesuai, resepsionis
akan meminta kepada pimpinan rombongan tanda tangan semua anggotanya pada kartu
registrasi yang telah dikumpulkan di baki
Pemimpin rombongan akan membagikan kunci kamar dan kartu
minuman selamat datang sesuai rooming
list yang ada, dan mengembalikan baki kepada resepsionis bila semua telah
Resepsionis akan berkoordinir dengan bagian
concierge untuk pengiriman barang bawaan tamu ke kamar
D. Group
Based on the rooming list given by the reservation
section, the overnight shift receptionist will compare the list to the blocked
rooms prepared by the reservation section and update them, if necessary, on the
night before the arrival of the respective group
If the rooms are not
blocked yet, then the receptionist has to block the rooms as per rooming list
Based on the rooming
list, the overnight receptionist prepares the room keys and welcome cards in
the room order per floor assignment, and then puts them in a tray and lock in
the cupboard
The overnight
receptionist will give one copy of the rooming list to the concierge in order
that he will be ready with the luggage tags, and one to the housekeeping
department for preparation (apart from the computerized data)
Upon the arrival of the
group, the day shift receptionist will ask the tour leader to hand over the
voucher, or any other committed payment and compare it to the reservations
When everything is
proved to be appropriate, the receptionist hand over the group registration
card to the tour leader for signature, collects the tray and hands it over to
the tour leader
The tour leader will
distribute the room keys and welcome cards as per rooming list, then return the
tray to the receptionist after completing them
The receptionist will
also coordinate with the concierge for the smooth and fast delivery of luggage
Memproses Deposit
minimal dibayar sebesar 2 x harga kamar x jumlah malam
yang dibayar tunai, ditulis dalam kwitansi, lembar yang asli diberikan kepada
tamu sebagai jaminan
tamu menggunakan kartu kredit, periksa validitasnya, cetak sesuai jumlah yang
disetujui, dan slip kartu kredit ditandatangani oleh pemegang kartu
tamu membayar dengan travel cheque atau mata uang asing, tukarkan dengan rupiah
sesuai harga dalam buku pegangan hotel
sebagai deposit
perusahaan atau seseorang membayar deposit untuk tamunya, tulis namanya dan
jumlah totalnya dalam kwitansi
Jika deposit tamu dibayar orang lain dengan kartu
kredit, tuliskan dalam
► Processing Deposit
Deposit minimum should
be 2 x room rate net x nights
Cash deposit should be
written down at cash receipt and the original have to give to guest as
If the guest pay by
credit card see validity, and imprint credit card with the amount has been
agreed, and credit card slip should signed by card holder
If the guest pay by
travel cheque or foreign currency, it should be change to rupiah by hotel
bookkeeping rate as deposit
When the company or
someone pay deposit for our guest paid by cash, write down the name and the
total amount on cash receipt
If someone else pay by
credit card, write down in authorization of payment / 3 party guarantee form.
► The Check-in Process
Guest arrives |
Prepare for guest arrival |
Check reservation status |
Has the guest made a reservation ? |
Yes |
No |
Are room available ? |
Complete Registration form |
No |
Assigning room |
Deny request |
Check method of payment |
Suggest alternative rooms or hotel |
Issue room key, meal
coupon, welcome drink card, guest card |
Escorting guest to room |
Guest room
► Dialog saat melakukan prosedur pendaftaran
Dialogue of Registration Procedures
A. Tamu dengan reservasi sebelumnya
Reservation (Reservation Guest)
Langkah ke 1, Memberi salam dan
menawarkan bantuan
: Selamat pagi bu, selamat datang
di hotel Adenium, ada yang bisa kami bantu ?
: Selamat pagi, saya membutuhkan
untuk sekarang
- Step 1, Greeting and offering help
R : Good morning mam, welcome to Adenium
hotel, may I help you?
G : Good morning, I need a room now
ke 2, Menanyakan tentang pemesanan sebelumnya
: Apakah ibu sudah membuat
reservasi sebelumnya ?
: Ya, Sekretaris saya telah
memesankan satu kamar Deluxe
Step 2, Asking, have
reservation before
R : Have
you made a reservation before mam ?
G : Yes, I think my secretary already reserved me
one Deluxe room
Tahap ke 3, Menanyakan nama tamu
: Baiklah, boleh saya tau nama
ibu ?
T :
Jeantyn, dari perusahaan Milstone
Step 3, Ask the guest
R : Alright, may I have your name, please?
G : Jeantyn, from Milstone corporation
Tahap ke 4, Memeriksa slip reservasi
: Baiklah, saya akan memeriksa
pemesanan ibu, mohon ditunggu.
Step 4, Check the
reservation slip
R : Certainly,
mam, let me check your reservation
Tahap ke 5, Mengkonfirmasikan pemesanan
R :
Terima kasih ibu telah menunggu, kami mempunyai reservasi ibu, satu
deluxe mulai hari ini untuk 2 malam,
metode pembayaran dari perusahaan
untuk kamar saja, dan ibu menginginkan
kamar yang dekat elevator, betul
kan bu ?
: Oh ya, betul yang itu!
Step 5, Reconfirm the
R : Thank you for your waiting, mam.
We have your
reservation, one Deluxe room from now
staying for 2 nights,
Method of payment
company account on
room only and you need room
near elevator, is that correct mam ?
G : Oh ok, that’s mine
ke 6, Mengisi kartu/ formulir registrasi
: Boleh saya minta surat garansi
dan kartu identitas, bu ?
: Ini, silahkan
: Tunggu sebentar bu, saya akan
mengisi formulir dulu..
Step 6, Fill in the
Registration form/card
R : May I see guarantee
letter and also your ID card, please ?
G : Here you are
R : Wait a moment,
please, I will fill in the form
Tahap ke 7, Menanyakan tentang pembayaran
: Maaf, bisa saya minta deposit
untuk penggunaan fasilitas lainnya bu ?
: Tentu, berapa ?
: Rp 1 000.000,-
: Ini (sambil menyerahkan uang)
: Bu Jeantyn, saya akan
menghitung uangnya lebih dulu ya
T :
Step 7, Ask about
R : May I have some
deposit for other facilities mam ?
G ; Sure, how much is it
R : Rp 1 000 000,- please
G : Here is it
R : Mrs. Jeantyn, is it
alright if I count it ?
G : fine
ke 8, Menyiapkan formulir-formulir tamu
Step 8, Prepare the
ke 9, Meminta tanda tangan tamu
: Silahkan menandatangani kartu
registrasi dan kartu tamunya bu.
Step 9, Ask guest
R : Would you mind to
sign the Registration form and Guest card, please ?
ke 10, Memberikan format-format tamu dan menerangkan penggunaannya
R : Bu
Jeantyn, ini kartu tamunya, nomor kamarnya 2116 di lantai 21, ibu dapat
menggunakan kartu ini sebagai tanda pengenal selama di hotel. Ini kupon makan pagi untuk 2 orang, ibu dapat
sarapan pagi di executive lounge, makan pagi disediakan mulai pukul 6 sampai
pukul 10 setiap paginya. Ini kwitansinya dan kartu identitas ibu. Bellboy kami akan mengantar ibu ke kamar.
Jeantyn, ini Ian, bellboy kami, dia akan mengantar menuju ke kamar ibu.
Step 10, Give the forms
and explain the usage of forms
R : Alright Mrs,
Jeantyn. This is your Guest card and your room number is 2116, it’s in
21 floor, you can use this card as our ID in this hotel. This is your breakfast
coupon for two pax, you can have your breakfast at executive lounge, the
breakfast served from 6 to 10 a.m in the morning. This is your cash receipt and
your ID. Our bellboy will escort you to the room.
Bellboy, please!
Mrs, Jeantyn, this is Ian, our bellboy, he
will accompany you to the room
Tahap ke 11, Memberikan salam terakhir
R :
Terima kasih banyak ibu, semoga ibu berkenan tinggal di hotel kami
T : Ya,
saya berharap demikian
Step 11, Last greeting
R : Well thank you very much Mrs, Jeantyn, have a
nice stay with us
G : Oh I certainly will
A. Without Reservation (Walk-in Guest)
Langkah ke 1, Memberi salam dan menawarkan bantuan
R :
Selamat pagi pak, selamat datang di hotel Adenium, ada yang bisa kami
T :
Selamat pagi, saya ingin pesan satu kamar
Step 1, Greeting and
offering help
R : Good morning sir, welcome to Adenium
hotel, may I help you?
G : Good morning, I would like a room please
Langkah ke 2, Menanyakan tentang pemesanan sebelumnya
R : Apa
bapak sudah mempunyai reservasi ?
T : Saya
yakin belum punya
R :
Baiklah, boleh saya tau nama bapak ?
T : Nama saya Don
Step 2, Asking whether
have reservation before
R : Do you have any reservation please ?
G : I believe I don’t have a reservation before
R : certainly sir, may I have your name, please?
G : My name is Don
Langkah ke 3,
Menanyakan permintaan tamu
R : Boleh saya tau, untuk berapa malam pak Don ?
T : Semalam saja
Step 3, Ask guest
R : May I now for how many nights Mr, Don?
G : One night, please
Langkah ke 4,
Memeriksa ketersediaan kamar
R : Mohon tunggu sebentar, saya akan
melihat kamar yang bapak butuhkan
tersedia atau tidak.
Terima kasih atas waktunya pak
Step 4, Check the
availability of room
R : Certainly, wait a moment please, I will check
it for you
Thank you for your waiting sir
Langkah ke 5, Tehnik
R : Pak
Don, kami punya kamar Suite executive seharga US$ 200, kamar Deluxe US$ 100 dan kamar standart US$ 70,
harga ini ditambah 21 % untuk pajak dan service, tapi
sudah termasuk makan pagi untuk 2 orang. Bapak berkenan kamar yang mana ?
T : Bisa anda terangkan tentang fasilitas kamar suite ?
R :
Tentu saja pak, fasilitas yang tersedia adalah, kamar tamu, dapur, mini
bar, kotak penyimpanan barang berharga
yang terkunci, kamar mandi dengan bak untuk berendam, akses internet, dan TV
T :
Bagus sekali, satu kamar suite ya!
Step 5, Selling
R : Mr, Don, we have an executive suite room, the
rate is US$ 200, The Deluxe
Room is US$ 100, and Standard room is US$ 70, the
rate doesn’t include
21% for tax and service charge, but it
does include breakfast for 2 persons.
What kind of room
would you like, sir ?
G : Can you explain the room facilities in suite
room, please
R : Certainly sir, there is living room,
kitchenette, mini bar, safe deposit box,
Bathroom with
bathtub, internet access, television and in house movies
G : Sound good, one suite room please
Langkah ke 6, Mengisi kartu / formulir registrasi
R : Boleh saya pinjam passport
anda ? Saya akan bantu mengisi kartu registrasinya
T : Oh
ya, ini! (Resepsionis mengisi kartu registrasi)
Step 6, Fill in the
Registration form/card
R : May I borrow your passport, please? I will
help you to fill in the registration
G : Oh yes, here it is
(Receptionist fill in the registration form/card)
Langkah ke 7,
Menanyakan tentang pembayaran
R : Maaf bagaimana dengan pembayarannya, dengan
kartu kredit atau tunai ?
T : Saya akan bayar tunai
: Bisa saya minta depositnya, pak
: Berapa ?
: US$ 450
: Pak Don, maaf boleh saya hitung dulu ?
: Silahkan!
Step 7, Ask about the
R : How about the payment sir, would you like to
pay by cash or credit card ?
G ; I think, I will pay by cash
R : May I have a deposit sir?
G : How much is it?
R : US$ 450, sir
G : Here you are
R : Mr, Don,
is it alright if I count it first ?
G : fine
- Langkah ke 8, Menyiapkan formulir-formulir tam
- Step 8, Prepare the forms
Langkah ke 9,
Meminta tanda tangan tamu
R : Silahkan tandatangani kartu registrasi dan
kartu tamu anda.
Terima kasih.
Step 9, Ask guest
R : Would you mind signing in
the Registration form and Guest card, please ?
Thank you
Langkah ke 10, Memberikan formulir-formulir dan menerangkan kegunaannya.
R : Pak Don, ini kartu tamu bapak, nomor kamarnya
1216 di lantai 12, anda dapat
menggunakan kartu ini sebagai tanda pengenal di hotel ini. Ini kupon makan pagi untuk 2 orang, makan
pagi disediakan di executive lounge dari jam 6 sampai jam 10 setiap pagi. Ini
kwitansinya dan kartu identitas bapak, bellboy kami akan mengantar bapak ke
Bellboy ! Pak Don, ini Adis, bellboy kami, dia akan
menemani bapak menuju ke kamar.
Step 10, Give the forms
and explain the usage of forms
R : Alright Mr, Don. This is your Guest card and
your room number is 1216, it’s in 12 floor, you can use this card as our ID in
this hotel. This is your breakfast coupon for two peoples, your breakfast in
the executive lounge, its served from 6 to 10 a.m in the morning. This is your
cash receipt and your ID. Our bellboy will escort you to the room.
Bellboy, please!
Mr, Don, this is Adis, our bellboy, he will
accompany you to the room
Langkah ke 11,
Memberi salam terakhir
R : Terima kasih banyak pak Don, semoga kerasan
tinggal di hotel kami
: Sama-sama.
Step 11, Last greeting
R : Well thank you very much Mr, Don, have a nice
stay with us
G : Oh I certainly will
► Jenis-jenis Check-out
1. Express Check-Out
Bertujuan untuk memberi tamu kenyamanan
saat meninggalkan hotel. Express check-out
dilakukan jika tamu
mempunyai deposit dengan kartu
kredit atau surat jaminan atau
2. Late check-out
Jika keberangkatan tamu melebihi peraturan tentang waktu yang ditetapkan di
hotel atau
melebihi jam 13. Tamu akan dikenakan
pembayaran sebesar 50% dari harga
kamar atau
100% jika sampai 6 sore.
► Type of check-out
Express Check out
Aim to give amenity
guest leave hotel. Express check out can be done if guest have deposit with
credit card or guarantee letter or
Late check out
If guest
departure exceed rule of time
applying in hotel or exceed 1 noon. Guest will be imposed charger equal to 50 % or 100 %
if until 6 evening.
► Prosedur Keberangkatan Tamu
Menyambut dan
menawarkan bantuan
Menanyakan nama, nomor kamar dan meminta kunci kamar
Menanyakan pada tamu bila ada penggunaan biaya ekstra untuk ditambahkan
(menghubungi HK dan layanan kamar), biaya ekstra meliputi: mini bar, biaya
sarapan yang mungkin belum dibayar tamu
Menyiapkan ( mencetak dengan komputer) tagihan/rekening tamu
Memeriksa rekening/tagihan sebelum ditunjukkan kepada tamu
Menunjukkan rekening/tagihan, dan minta tamu untuk memeriksa, menjelaskan
rekening/tagihan ke tamu tentang :
Singkatan yang tidak
dimengerti tamu
beban biaya yang
tidak dipahami tamu
· tamu mungkin lupa tentang suatu transaksi yang telah dilakukan ( layanan kamar, kunjungan gimnasium)
Menyelesaikan pembayaran (
menyesuaikan jumlah pembayaran dan pengeluaran)
kartu kredit
traveler cek
beban biaya perusahaan
Minta tanda tangan
Letakkan rekening tamu dan dokumen-dokumen pendukung (rekening restoran,
rekening laundry dll) yang diperlukan oleh tamu di dalam amplop
Berikan amplop kepada
Menawarkan layanan lain seperti transportasi atau reservasi kamar untuk
kedatangan berikutnya
Mengucapkan selamat jalan kepada tamu (sambutan terakhir)
Guest departure procedure
and offering help
Ask the
name, room number and room key
with guest if extra charges to be added (contact HK and room service)
Extra charges include : mini bar, breakfast charges which may not
have been posted or received at front desk when guest leave after breakfast
(print out) the guest bill/invoice
the bill before presenting to the guest
the bill and ask the guest to check, explain account to guest
may not be familiar with abbreviations and terms
may not be understood
may have forgotten something charged (room service, gym visit)
the payment (balancing or zeroing balance)
guest signature
Put the
bill and any supporting documents (restaurant bills, laundry bills, etc)
required by the guest – in the envelope
the envelope to the guest
other service such as transportation or room reservation for next arrival
the guest (last greeting)
1. Express Check-out
pelayanan Express Chek-out :
Tamu telah memberi informasi dan kartu kredit sebelumnya
Menyiapkan rekening tagihan tamu
Menyiapkan semua rekening pendukung
Menghubungi bellboy untuk menangani baran bawaan tamu
Menginformasikan kepada departemen lain yang harus mengetahui
keberangkatan tamu
1. Express Chek-out
Express chek-out procedure
The guest has given
information and credit card
Prepare the guest bill
Prepare all supporting
Call the bellboy to
handle the guest luggage
Inform other departments
that need to know of the guest departure
2. Late Check-out
pelayanan Late Chek-out :
Reception menghubungi tamu untuk memastikan waktu keberangkatannya
Memberitahu mengenai beban biaya kamar yang akan dikenakan kepada
Memeriksa apakah kamar akan dihuni tamu
berikutnya atau tidak
Menginformasikan ke departemen HK kamar yang terlambat check-out
Menyediakan tempat penyimpanan barang bawaan
tamu sampai tamu meninggalkan hotel
Jika tamu tidak berada di kamar, HK akan
memeriksa kamar tamu, apakah barang bawaan tamu masih ada atau tamu sudah
meninggalkan kamar tanpa diketahui (skipper)
Jika barang bawaan tamu masih ada, reception akan memberi
informasi untuk dikirim ke ruang penyimpanan.
2. Late Chek-out
Late chek-out
procedure :
Reception will contact
guest to ascertain his departure time
Advising concerning room
charge to be imposed to guest
Checking if the
room will occupy by next guest or not
Inform to house keeping
department concerning room of late check out
Will be provided storing
of guest luggages in store luggage until guest leave hotel
If guest is not in room,
housekeeping will check room, is skipper room or the guest luggage is still
If the guest luggage still
there, reception will give information to be sent to room.
3. Group Check-out
Prosedur chek-out tamu rombongan :
Memeriksa daftar keberangkatan tamu
b. Mengurus perjanjian langsung dengan
pemimpin rombongan
c. Memberitahu concierge untuk menangani
kembali barang-barang tamu
d. Menyiapkan rekening tagihan utama
e. Mengumpulkan dan memeriksa semua rekening pendukung
Menyusun pembayaran
Mengumpulkan kunci-kunci kamar
Memberi ucapan selamat jalan
3. Group Check-out
Group chek-out
procedure :
Check expected departure
Deal directly with the
tour leader
Notify concierge
re-handling luggage
Prepare the master bill
Collect and check all
supporting bills
Arrange payment
Collect room keys
Offer a farewell
► Proses Pembayaran
► Processing Payments
- Tunai
Pembayaran tunai (uang) dihitung dan ditempatkan
di hadapan tamu
Mengeluarkan tanda terima (kwitansi)
Perubahan dan tanda terima (kwitansi) diberikan kepada
Setelah melengkapi transaksi, receptionist menyimpan
pembayaran tunai didalam laci (drawer)
1. Cash
Cash counted and placed
within sight of the guest but out of their reach
Issue the receipt
Change and receipt given
to the guest
After completing the
transaction, the receptionist have to place the cash in the drawer
2. Kredit
Meminta kartu kredit tamu
Menerima kartu-kartu sesuai yang biasa digunakan (
biasanya : American Express, Dinners
Club, Master card, Visa, JCB card)
Memeriksa masa berlakunya, nama dan kode persetujuan
dari mana kartu dikeluarkan ( jika sudah tidak berlaku/valid atau kartu yang
dicuri, jangan diterima, sebagai gantinya minta tamu membayar dengan kartu
kredit yang lain atau tunai)
Mencetak kartu dan periksa semua copy/salinan cetakan
untuk mengetahui secara detil dan jelas
tamu untuk menandatangani slip kartu kredit
tandatangan tamu dengan kartu kredit ( jika ada
keraguan tentang keaslian dari
tandatangan, identifikasi tambahan dari tamu harus diminta)
kartu kredit kepada tamu, dan masukkan jumlah dan kode pembayaran yang sesuai
ke dalam komputer untuk menutup folio/dokumen dan membersihkan kamar
salinan voucher kartu kredit ke dokumen/folio tamu, keduanya dilipat rapi ke
dalam map keberangkatan, dan disampaikan kepada tamu
harus menyertakan salinan voucher kartu kredit yang digunakan untuk membayar ke
dalam laci tunai (uang) untuk menjaga keseimbangan di akhir pergantian jam
kerja (shift)
2. Credit Card
Obtain the guest’s
credit card
Follow house policy on
which cards are accepted (usually American Express, Dinners Club, Mastercard,
Visa, JCB card)
Check expiry date, name
and the approval code obtained from the card center (if a
cancelled/dishonoured/invalid or stolen card has been presented by the guest,
do not return it, instead request that the guest pay with another credit card
or cash)
Imprint the card and
check imprint on all copies to ensure details are clear
Ask the guest to sign
the credit card slip/voucher
Verify the signature
against the one on the credit card (if there is any doubt about the
authenticity of the signature, additional identification should be requested)
Return the credit card
to the guest, and enter the appropriate payment code and amount into the
computer to close the folio and clear the room
Attach the guest’s copy
of the credit card voucher to the folio, both are fold neatly into the
departure folder, and hand it to the guest
The receptionist mush
attach the merchant’s copy of the credit card voucher to the hard copy of the
guest folio in the cash drawer for balancing at the end of the shift
- Travelers Cheque
Memeriksa tingkat tarip bursa uang dan lihat apakah mata uang
dapat diterima
cek tidak tiruan (asli), telah diubah atau dirusakkan
nama dan lokasi bank, memastikan bahwa bank yang bersangkutan merupakan suatu
institusi perbankan yang terpercaya
d. Meminta
tandatangan tamu, tandatangan harus sesuai dengan tandatangan dalam cek
e. Memeriksa
nama dan tandatangan untuk disesuaikan dengan tanda identifikasi yang digunakan( paspor atau SIM)
f. Menyertakan cek ke dalam dokumen/folio tamu di laci tunai
(uang) untuk menjaga keseimbangan di akhir pergantian jam kerja
3. Travelers Cheque
a. Check currency exchange rate and see whether currency can be
b. Ensure cheques are not already counter signed, mutilated or
c. Note the name and location of the bank, ensure that it is a
bonafide banking institution
d. Ask for the guest signature, signature must agree with signature
already on the cheque
e. Check name and signature with suitable identification (passport
or driver’s license)
f. Attach the cheques to the guest folio in the cash drawer for
balancing at the end of the sift
4. Voucher ( pada umumnya ditunjukkan pada
saat pendaftaran)
- Memeriksa kegunaan / daya terima dan hal-hal yang
tercantum di voucher ( tanggal kedaluwarsa, nama dan jumlah orang,
akomodasi, makanan, nama dan alamat yang dihubungi untuk mengirim faktur
- Fasilitas Ekstra yang dibayar oleh tamu
( folio terpisah)
- Voucher disatukan dengan dokumen/folio
tamu dan disampaikan ke departemen
keuangan untuk ditindaklanjuti
4. Voucher (usually
presented at registration)
d. Check acceptability and what is included on voucher (expiry
date, name and number of people, accommodation, meals, address and contact name
for invoice to be sent out)
e. Extras to be paid for by guest (split folio)
f. Voucher is attached to the guest folio and forwarded to account
department for invoicing
- Pembayaran
oleh Perusahaan
Menyesuaikan nama tamu,
jumlah kamar dan pembayaran, pada buku besar (daftar) perusahaan pemberi kuasa
dokumen/folio kepada tamu untuk diketahui tentang pembayarannya
tandatangan tamu pada salinan buku besar hotel untuk semua penagihan yang
dibebankan, sebelum metoda penyelesaian dikirim
5. Company charges
a. Verify the guest’s name, room number and account, plus city
ledger charge authorization
b. Hand the folio to the guest for review of the charges
c. Be sure to obtain the guest’s signature on the hotel’s copy of
the folios for all city ledger charges, before the settlement method is posted
► Dialogue of Check-out Procedures
Guest is calling
the receptionist to inform about check-out
Step 1, Greeting and offering help
R : Good
afternoon, reception, Alex speaking, may
I help you?
G :
Good afternoon, I want to check-out now, please?
Step 2, Asking guest name, room number and how many
R : Have
you made a reservation before mam ?
G : Mrs,
Dewi room 1121 and I need a bellboy please
R :
Certainly mam, may I now how many bags do you have, please?
G : I have two big suitcases
R :
Alright mam, bellboy go to your room, 1121 to bring your luggage, and we
will prepare the bill
G :
Thank you very much
Step 3, Receptionist inform bellboy
Guest comes to FO cashier counter
Step 4, Greeting and offering help by FDA
: Good afternoon mam, may I hep
G :
Checking out, please
C : May I have your key and guest card mam?
G : Here
you are
Step 5, asking about mini bar consume
C :
Excuse me mam, have you consumed anything from the mini bar?
G : No
Step 6, Ask the guest to check the bill
C : Alright mam, this is your bill, would you
like to check the bill please ?
G : Sure, the bill is ok
Step 7, Ask about payment
C : Will
you pay by credit card ?
G ; Yes,
here is my credit card
Step 8, Ask guest signature
C : Thank you very much, would you mind to sign
please? (sign the bill and credit card slip)
G : Fine
C : This
is your bill and credit card
Step 9, Offering additional help
C : May
I organize your transportation to the airport mam?
G : No,
I have a car
Step 10, Last greeting
C :
Alright mam, thank you very much for staying in our hotel, and have a
G : Oh I
certainly will
► The Importance of Reports
The reports of front office are made by reception
is required to keep management informed about the current status of the hotel
and to make it enable to accurate forecast of future availability
► Types of Front Office Records and Reports
- Front Office Records
Guest data
Average stay
Average room rate
Room revenue
Single occupancy
Double occupancy
2. Front
Office Reports
Room sales recapitulation
used to see
percentage mount room occupied and room revenue
Expected arrival list
report concerning expected guests list will come this day
Today arrival list
report concerning guests which have come this day
Guest in house list / In house guest list
report of guest data lodging in hotel
Expected departure list ( due list )
report of guest data expected check out this day
Today departure list
report of guest list which have checked out from hotel
Daily VIP list,
containing report concerning important
guest list to come today, is lodging, and will come day morrow
Incident report
containing report concerning special
event today, like : sigh of guest, threat to hotel, event of loss, etc.
► Distribution List for Front Office Records
and Reports
Front office records and reports had made by
reception then be sent to other department
- General manager
- Housekeeping department
- Accounting
- Sales and marketing
- Food and beferage
- File
► Room Change, No-shows, Early Departure and
Extended Stays Procedure
- Room Change
If guest during lodging to want
to move room because a selected reason and can be accepted, hotel will execute
with procedure as following :
- Check the rooms availability and the actual
Fills in a room rate change form, then obtain approval from the
assistant manager/ assistant FO Manager/ FO Manager
Copy should be distributed to housekeeping
The transfer of the luggage is carried out in the
presence of the guest, contact the bellboy to move the guest’s luggage
If the guest instructs to move the luggage while he is
not in the room, inform the Asst. manager to conduct the room change together
with bellboy and security officer as witness
After the guest’s room changed, inform the housekeeping
dept. and the operator verbally
Update the room number and the room rate (accordingly
in the computer) and mark down the room of guest has moved to and leaves notes
on the reason of the room change
Moves the registration card and files in the docket
- No-show
If happened awaited guest do not
come without confirm, hotel will conduct action after awaited guest arrival
deadline ( ETA) pursuant to Expected arrival list have passed. Guest status
will be expressed as No-Shows after done contact person with such guest, later
will be done encumbering of charge equal to 50% from room price or 100 % if
until 6 pm (evening). Procedure handling
of guest of No-Show is as following :
Check the Expected arrival list
Contact the person who made the reservation
Ask why the reservation was not used
Inform them that a no-show fee will be charged, 50% of
the room rate (or as per hotel policy)
Change guest data in file or computer
Early Departure
Handling procedure for guest leaving hotel ( earlier check-out)
of time the ordered, is as following
checked on file guest data
reservation chart and put out from
reservation chart
procedure departure of guest.
Extended Stays
Because some needs which still have to be finished, some
guests sometime add time lodged, longer to so that live in hotel. For guest
that way, hotel will do some actions for example as following
after accepting confirmation of guest, checked room number and
guest name of data which exist
check the availibility of room, to know what is there are next
ascertain to guest concerning the duration addition of ordered
fill in the reservation chart according to ordered time by guest
inform to all other department concern
► The Front Desk Log Book
The purpose of Log Book is to
maintain continuity between shifts and communicate useful information. Types of entries made in the log book :
Reservation received during the shift
Check-in and check-out
Early arrivals and departures
Overstays (extended stays) and understays (early
Scheduled arrivals and departures
VIP guests
Guest problems or complaints
- |
Djanuraga, Agung, I.G.K.
“Kantor Depan” . Depdikbud Dirjen
Dikdasmen, Dikmenjur, Bagian Proyek Pendidikan Kejuruan Non Tehnik II,
Jakarta. 1996/1997 ”Menyediakan Layanan Akomodasi
Reception”. Diklat Front Office Dasar 2, Sawangan. 2008 |
- |
- |
Sutanto, Suwiti. Ni Wayan. “
Layanan Akomodasi Reception” PPPG Kejuruan Bisnis dan Pariwisata, Jakarta.
2004 |
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